Thank you for completing Module 3 of the Gwandalan education suite 'Supporting Choices at End-of-Life'.

Your responses to the following questions will help us understand your experience of the training, and your feedback will be applied as we develop more of the Gwandalan education suite.

Once you have completed your evaluation, you can access a certificate of completion for the 'Supporting Choices at End-of-Life' module.

Learning objectives:

  • Determine effective approaches to advance care planning and advance care yarning
  • Describe the different financial supports available for funeral planning, and
  • Feel confident in identifying and advocating for the end-of-life choices of your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander palliative care patients.

How did you hear about the Gwandalan project? (please select from the following options).

Website or newsletter
Your local PHN
RACGP or ACRRM websites
Printed copy of the flyer
Emailed invitation
Word of mouth
Other (please specify)

Please rate the degree in which the module 'Supporting Choices at End-of-Life' learning outcomes were met. Please refer to above for this modules learning objectives.

Please rate the degree in which your learning needs were met:

Rate to what degree this activity is relevant to your practice:

The eLearning module was of high quality:

The eLearning module provided enough opportunities for interaction:

The duration of the eLearning module was sufficient for the content covered:

How will what you have learnt in 'Supporting Choics at End-of-Life' change your way of working?
Please outline how you might review and/or modify practice-based systems and/or processes to support your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander palliative patients.

Which part of 'Supporting Choics at End-of-Life' left the biggest impression on you, and why?

Would you suggest the Gwandalan Project to a colleague?

Is there anything else you would like us to know? Please share any suggestions for how the training could be improved? Or any additional feedback? We are listening.

Certificate of Completion

A certificate of completion is available once you complete all three parts of this module.